According to the writers of Ph.D dissertation writing services, the textual, aural or visual content that is published on a website is known as website content. Web content is known as a key to generating traffic for your website. For the success of a website, it is necessary for a writer to create engaging and organizing content. After publishing the content on your website, it is necessary for you to optimize the web content for better ranking on the search engines. There are two basic kinds of web content. First is known as text and the second is known as multimedia. Best practices of top writers to write the website content are given below;

Ph.D dissertation writing servicesKnow their audience

It sounds simple that we should get an idea about the audience before creating the website content but most of the writers don’t pay attention to this practice of the top writers. Its reason is that they don’t draft the content of the blog post by taking care of the audience of the website. The top writers try to get the answers to the following questions before drafting a blog post;

  1. Who are the primary audience members of my blog posts?
  2. Who are the secondary audience members of my blog posts?
  3. How will they find my website online?

They follow the inverted pyramid model

The visitors of a website have a short attention span and they can easily get an idea about the quality of your website within seconds. Therefore, they follow the upside-down pyramid while creating content. Upside-down pyramid means that they put the most important message of the blog post on the top of the page. After that, they write more specific information along with supporting information. At the end of the blog post, they write down the tangential details of their topic.

They write short and simple sentences

The expert content writers of a website are well aware of the fact that the lengthy sentences can distract the attention of the readers. That’s why they try to write short and simple sentences. According to these expert content writers, the average length of a sentence should not exceed from 35 words. Moreover, before publishing a blog post, these expert writers will also take an overview of the readability score of a website. The best sources to get an idea about the readability score of a website are given below;

  1. The Readability Test Score
  2. Readability Calculator
  3. Microsoft Word

They stick to active voice

The active voice sentences are succinct and they are helpful to create the reader-friendly content. Its reason is that these sentences are direct and these sentences can engage the students. For example, instead of writing ‘Coffee is offered by him’, they write this sentence as ‘He offers coffee’. That’s why the expert content writers use active voice sentences instead of passive voice sentences in their academic papers.

They nix the jargon

These expert writers are well aware of the fact that a website is for all the people rather than just for technical experts. That’s why they don’t use technical terms in their blog posts. They also avoid the use of insider language in their blog posts. They also know that some complex and niche related terms are also difficult to understand for the audience members. To write a particular post, it is also necessary for the writers to use some hyperlinks for further explanation. For this reason, they also try to use hyperlinks on those words only that are easily understandable for the audience members.

They never forget to incorporate multimedia in their blog posts

These expert content writers are well aware of the fact that SEO plays a vital role to drive traffic to their websites. That’s why they try to do the best on-page SEO for their blog posts. For this reason, they try to incorporate the best multimedia in their blog posts. Moreover, they are also well aware of the fact that one best quality image can explain a thousand words and a one best quality video can explain millions of words. These expert writers also use multimedia in their blog posts because they know that the visual information process 60,000 times faster than textual information.


The textual or visual content that is published on a website is known as website content. To create the best quality content for our website, we should follow the practices of the expert writers. The practices of the expert writers to create the best quality content are that they create content by keeping in mind the needs of the expert writers, they follow the inverted pyramid model, they write the short and simple sentences, they stick to the active voice sentences instead of passive voice sentences and they incorporate the multimedia in their blog posts.