To write a research proposal is the first important step for a student in order to write a research paper. A research proposal is often considered as the coherent summary of your proposed research. A research proposal should be unique and original. The library databases are the most important resources in order to gather unique and original data for your research proposal. To gather information from the library databases is not an easy task for the students. Here, we will provide you 12 helpful tips to find the best library databases for your research proposal.
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  • First of all, you should try to identify the key concepts related to your topic. Sometimes, there is only one key concept of a topic and on the other hand, sometimes, there is more than one key concept of a research topic.
  • There are three distinct places that you can use for the database selection. If you are looking for books, then library catalogs are the most important thing for you. If you are looking for the articles, then article database, like educational journal is the most important resource for you. Thirdly, you can also collect a huge amount of data directly from the internet.
  • When you are going to conduct research, then your research should be more general rather than complicated. Its reason is that with the help of the complicated research, you will be able to find only a small number of articles related to your topic.
  • Almost all the library databases allow you to conduct advanced research. With the help of this amazing option, you will be able to gather information related to your topic with the help of author’s name, article title, publication title, and subject etc.
  • All the articles and books in the library databases and catalogs are arranged on the bases of the subject headings. You can also collect enough data related to your topic with the help of these subject headings.
  • There are some library databases that use the Bolean Operators. These Bolean Operators are in the form of AND, OR, and NOT.
  • There are a lot of truncate terms that are used by the different library databases in order to collect enough data for your research proposal. These truncation terms differ from one library database to the other library database.
  • There are a lot of library databases that have limited features and due to these limited features, you will not be able to collect enough data for your research proposal.
  • The research method to collect the data for your research proposal should be suitable. You should be flexible while collecting the data for your research proposal.
  • Some important tips to keep in mind the web concerns are given below;
  1. There should be no subject headings
  2. The web page should have the questionable quality
  3. Stick to the library databases only
  • The most important library databases are the databases of different universities.
  • If you are not able to find a reliable database for your research proposal, then you can get help from the research proposal writing services.