How to Write a Short EssayWriting a short but effective essay is very important as it helps to convey the right message to the readers and helps them understand what the essay is all about. There are many times when teachers do not ask students for long and detailed essays, as they just want to check out students’ intellect and smartness in incorporating what they want to express in brief but effective manner. Thus, they assign them short essay writing assignments. Many students hire cheap essay writing services to do great work with their essays.


Most of the students are ready to write long and detailed essays that contain lots of information along with references and examples to other literature and text. However, they are not prepared for the assignment that asks them to write in short, stick to the bare facts and express the most relevant points in short essay that only contains as less as five paragraphs. This article is a guide for students who have been asked to write a five-paragraph essay to convey the most important information in the most concise format.


The first and most important step for beginning a five-paragraph essay is getting start in the right direction. Students seek for the right starting but they should remember that following the rules and guidelines that their teachers have given them is the best place to begin. They should also seek help while they are working on a dissertation or an essay if they are not clear on what to do and how as this will help them write the best way without wasting their time and efforts on doing something that will yield good marks.


Writing a five paragraph essay means that they have limited space as they cannot write long and detailed paragraph that will scare the reader away. It also means that they have to come straight to the point and talk about the main idea or the concept for which they are writing the essay. Starting from the introduction in the first paragraph, they must come to the main body of discussion in the second paragraph without wasting their time or words and make sure they have relevant information to impart to the readers.


Students also need to know that they must research well on the given topic and subject and stick to what they know because they cannot go into long and boring details, making their essay lengthy and uninteresting. It is important to know all the important details regarding the topic so that they provide the most authentic information to the readers in the least number of words.


Organization of the essay and logical flow of thoughts is important for writing a short but meaningful essay with help of online writing services. Five paragraphs do not mean that they should be full of information that is of no use, instead it should be a powerful and informative masterpiece that impresses the teachers so much that they are compelled to grade it highly and applaud the students’ efforts. Whether the essay is a long or a short one, it must contain the right information that is presented in the most appealing manner to attract readers.