Handwriting is Profitable

Handwriting is ProfitableMost of us stopped using our hands for writing notes and writing essays after leaving school. As learning is becoming digital, the keyboard has taken over our lives, and instead of writing by hand, we prefer to type. These days, using a personal computer or a tablet is the most preferred way of writing for the majority of professionals, from teachers and journalists to architects and even bankers. However, research by coursework writing services show that there are still several writers who prefer to write in the same old manner because they believe that writing by hand is a part of the creative writing process. If they are getting started with some new project, they believe writing by hand is more conducive and delivers better results.

As technology continues to introduce newer and better devices from laptops to iPhones and iPads and so much more, it is becoming so easy for us to save our time typing things rather than handwriting them. While typing is quicker than trying to write things down, it does not give any cramps in hand, yet there are some proven benefits to writing by hand. It would not be wrong to say that handwriting is, in the long run, more profitable than computer typing and renders some great outcomes.

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Taking notes by hand has definite benefits, and it can be worth the effort, especially for beginners to work with pen and paper, especially in the early stages of a project. Noting down thoughts on a pad or journal can help in overcoming the writer’s block and develop a better relationship with story ideas.  This article discusses the top benefits of writing by hand and gives you ample reasons why you should spend less time on computer typing and more on typing by hand. Writing by hand works very well for visual learners. Taking down the notes by hand gives them the graphic freedom to easily sketch an infographic, word web, or another non-traditional layout to put your thoughts down and visualize the connections in a much better way.

Writing by hand boosts the learning process very efficiently. Studies have concluded that handwritten notes are a great way to enhance memory and recall as to when you write with your hand, you remember what you have written and understood it better. The main areas of the brain associated with recall and comprehension are more active when you write notes by hand using a pen and paper. Handwriting is an art; many people choose handwritten notes over computer typed notes just because they like the way they are done.  If you have a good hand and can write well, this can also turn into a hobby or even a second career, and you can earn some money writing beautiful calligraphy notes.

Writing by hand helps to avoid distractions as it is a task that requires full focus. Technology can consume a lot of precious time as it is too distracting; we start doing something but end up doing something else as there is too much to see and do. When you take a pen in hand and write on paper, you concentrate on the task that not only saves time but also helps to complete the task most effectively.

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Using pen and paper means no auto-correct, which means that you will have to focus on your spelling and grammar as leaving mistakes in your content will not help you at all in getting good grades in class or impress the teacher with your skills. Typing on a computer makes us careless as we know there is autocorrect to point out and correct the mistakes in our text. With handwriting, we work consciously and try to avoid mistakes that help to improve our overall vocabulary too, and it has numerous benefits in the long run.

When we write using a pen and paper, we can do a much better job as our brain also runs at a fast speed due to the natural hand-mind coordination that starts working on its own. We try to get everything down, even forgetting it sometimes in a hurry, but it comes back in a much stronger and better thought, which makes it all the more valuable and interesting. Computers and other digital devices might be ruling our lives, but the significance of writing with hands cannot be denied. Whether you are a student or a professional, typing with hands has delivered much more promising results in the long run as compared to typing with a computer.